About OIHL

OIHL Emblem

Our Vision

“To Be the Heart of Innovative Learning to Serve Humanity….”

Our MisSion

We are an Institute of Higher Learning, promoting humanitarian values, knowledge and skills to serve humanity in a creative way thereby responding to the contemporary needs in the Sri Lankan Church and in the secular society. 

A Brief History...

The Oblate Institute of Higher Learning was inaugurated on 21st May 2016 when the Oblates in Sri Lanka celebrated the 200th anniversary of the Foundation of the Congregation.
It was established as an umbrella institute with an immediate focus on national reconciliation and peacebuilding. However, the aim was to develop it into a fully pledged higher education institute, which could organize degrees, diploma programs, Certificate courses, retreats, seminars, and personality and skill development programs. Rev. Dr. Oswald Firth OMI was the First and founding Director of OIHL.

Following the directives of the 35th Oblate General Chapter in 2010, Oblate Institutes of Higher Learning are considered and valued as an essential ministry within the Oblate Mission of Evangelization. Recognizing the long experience in higher education in our province, and the steps we have taken to establish the OIHL, we were first invited to participate in the meetings organized by the International Association of the Oblate Institutes of Higher Learning (AOIHL). In 2019, OIHL Colombo became a permanent member of AOIHL.

Following the proposal of the Provincial Congress held in 2018, OIHL which was at CSR, Maradana, Colombo 10, was shifted to Dev Arana Oblate Centre, Polwatta, Minuwangoda, having its own physical facility. In January 2021, OIHL was established at Dev Arana, Polwatta, Minuwangoda. Having conducted the Diploma in Conflict and Peace Studies for 4 years, the year 2021 was taken for evaluation. In December 2021, Rev. Dr. Asanga Viraj OMI was appointed as the Director of OIHL. 

Having reflected and evaluated the journey we made and the call we heard; we came up with a new OIHL program. It comprises: Course on Formation for Renewal, Short Course on Spirituality, Course on Book-keeping and Accounts, Course on Psychological Counselling (in Sinhala medium), English Courses for the Post A/L students and Post O/L students, English for Entrepreneurs, and Course on Teacher Formation. 

Fr Oswald Firth OMI

Rev. Dr. Oswald Firth OMI
Founding Director of OIHL

Rev. Dr. Asanga Viraj OMI
Present Director of OIHL

OIHL Administrative Body


  • Very Rev. Fr. Jude Roshan SILVA OMI (Provincial Superior)

Advisory Board:

  • Rev. Fr. Lucian REGINOLD OMI
  • Rev. Fr. J. Rohan SILVA OMI
  • Rev. Dr. Clement WAIDYASEKARA OMI


  • Rev. Dr. Asanga VIRAJ OMI

Academic Secretary & Financial Director:

  • Rev. Fr. Charuka Namal OMI

Academic Council:

  • Very Rev. Fr. Jude Roshan SILVA OMI (Provincial Superior)
  • Rev. Dr. Asanga VIRAJ OMI
  • Rev. Fr. James Jayasinghe OMI
  • Rev. Fr. Anton Grecian OMI
  • Rev. Fr. Charuka Namal OMI
  • Rev. Fr. Chrishantha Jayalath FERNANDO OMI
  • Rev. Fr. Shivantha Waas OMI
  • Prof. Anton MEEMANA