Annual Certificate Awarding Ceremony – 2024


Awarding Ceremony 2024

The certificate awarding ceremony of the Oblate Institute of Higher Learning was held on 09 th
November 2024 on its premises. Rt. Rev. Dr. Raymond Wickramasinghe, the bishop of Galle
graced the occasion as the chief guest. The bishop emphasized in his speech that, “education can
change people; the role of education is to make us live happily in the present moment and we
have to make our place of living a heaven for others to live.” Very. Rev. Fr. Roshan Silva OMI,
the Provincial Superior of the Oblate Province of Colombo, the lecturers, some Oblate priests,
and Rev. Nuns in the vicinity were among the distinguished guests who were present in the
ceremony. The parents of the students also participated in the event. The students were awarded
the certificates for the diploma in Psychological Counselling, and for the other courses they
followed at the institution during the academic year 2024.